Women of the Cathedral - Evening of Reflection

Join the Women of the Cathedral for an Advent Evening of Reflection on December 3rd from 6-9pm with Sr. M. Karolyn, FSGM from the Alton Franciscan Sisters. We will have Adoration and Confession followed by Sr. Karolyn’s talk with food and fellowship in Boland Hall. The evening is age appreciate for Middle School + This is a Free event but we need RSVP for headcount to prepare and we will pass the hat for a need of the Alton Franciscans.
RSVP for the evening and sign up to bring a dish to share Click Here
Schedule for Evening of Reflection on Dec 3:
6-7pm: Confession and Adoration
7:15-9:00pm: Talk by Sr. M. Karolyn, FSGM from the Alton Sisters followed by food & fellowship.
*Please bring something to share & We might pass a hat around to support a project at the Alton Sister's Convent.