Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

Adults who are baptized but not practicing the Catholic faith, or for those individuals interested in becoming Catholic, are invited to call the rectory to arrange for an interview with a member of the clergy and to discuss the process of becoming fully initiated in the Catholic community of faith, a process known as the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA).
RCIA is the process by which adults enter the Catholic Church. A group of persons meet on a weekly basis to listen to, question, and discuss Catholic doctrine and practices. There are catechists (teachers) and sponsors to assist the people on their journey.
There are four components to RCIA:
- Instruction
- Community
- Developing a prayer life
- Service to the Church
A candidate is a person who has been baptized in another denomination. We believe in ONE Baptism, so this person is not baptized again. A catechumen is a person who has never been baptized, and therefore will be baptized, preferably, during the Easter Vigil Mass. Candidates and catechumens will be confirmed and receive First Eucharist at the time of their entrance into the Church.
For more information about RCIA or to make an appointment with a priest to discuss further, please contact the rectory office at 314-373-8202.
To obtain a copy of your certificate of Baptism, Marriage, First Holy Communion and/or Confirmation, please contact the parish rectory at 314-373-8202, or you may submit a written request mailed to:
Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis
Attn. Sacramental Records
4431 Lindell Blvd
Saint Louis, MO 63108