Ministries and Organizations
Archdiocesan and Cathedral Choirs
Singers and instrumentalists wishing to join the Cathedral Choir, the Cathedral Instrumentalists, or the Archdiocesan Choirs should contact the Cathedral Music Office at 314-373-8227 or email [email protected] for more information and to schedule an audition/interview.
Liturgical Ministers for Sunday Mass
Lectors not only proclaim the Word of God, but they also communicate their own faith in that Word. And the Cathedral parish needs nearly 20 Communion Ministers each weekend to share the Body and Blood of Christ with their fellow worshippers at liturgies. To join or learn more of this ministry, contact the parish office at 314-373-8202 or email [email protected].
Altar Servers
Altar servers assist at Masses on weekends and special occasion, such as weddings and funerals. Open to adults and children in 5th grade and older. For more information, contact Fr. Zac Povis at 314-373-8204 or [email protected].
Ushers and Greeters
Ushers and greeters exercise the ministry of hospitality of the Parish. Duties include welcoming the faithful, handing out weekly bulletins and worship sheets, answering questions, and gathering the gifts. For additional information, please contact Mary Ann Fox, Event Manager, at 314-373-8208 or [email protected].
Anima Christi
Married and single adults in their 20’s and 30’s interested in growing the fellowship of our young adult community are invited to meet for dinner, prayer, and activities. For more information, email [email protected].
Men of the Cathedral
A monthly program of Adoration and Dinner for all men, parishioners and guests of any age. Held on the fourth Tuesday of each month, enjoy the fellowship of other Catholic men seeking religious fulfillment. For more information, contact Msgr. Henry Breier at 314-373-8206 or [email protected].
Women of the Cathedral
Women of the parish and its visitors meet on the third Wednesday of the month for Adoration in the Blessed Mother Chapel, followed by meetings, fellowship and dessert in Boland Hall. For more information, contact Msgr. Greg Mikesch at 314-373-8207 or [email protected].
Legion of Mary
Members devote themselves to prayer and ministry by visiting shut-ins, contacting active and inactive Catholics, and new parishioners. They provide information about the faith to non-Catholics. Auxiliary members support active members through prayer. For information, contact the parish office at 314-373-8202 or [email protected].
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Members of the Cathedral St. Vincent De Paul Society are committed to aiding fellow parishioners and neighbors with necessities such as food, clothing, utilities, and rent—all in the context of the Christian imperative. For more information, leave a message on the SVDP HotLine at 314-373-8288.
St. Patrick Center Casserole Program
Casseroles and other offerings are collected for delivery to St. Patrick Center on the second Friday of each month provides one week of dinners for the Women’s Shelter, and one night of dinners for the Men’s Alumni Club. For more information, email Skip & Nicki Batchelor at [email protected].
Gardening Angels
This landscaping ministry is for those who like working outside and want to help maintain the parish grounds. For additional information, please contact the parish office at 314-373-8202 or [email protected]
Tours & Hospitality
The Cathedral hosts approximately 275,000 tourists and visitors annually. Volunteers staff the Gift Shop and Museum, as well as provide guided tours. Training is provided. For more information, contact Susie Irons at 314-373-8205 or [email protected].